电子恒温恒湿的房间和/或房间温控HYGR ASREG® RHT-30具有一个连续和两个开关输出,可调节的开关阈值,带/不带可选显示器,用于指示实际湿度和/或实际温度(精度等级±2.0%rH)。可以将设定点分配给相对湿度和/或温度。它适用于调节和监控相对湿度(加湿和除湿)和/或温度(加热和冷却),例如通风和空调管道,实验室,生产设施,气候试验箱,室内游泳池,温室等。 ,控制加湿和除湿设备或加热系统控制。测量传感器设计用于精确的湿度/温度测量。RHT-30使用数字长期稳定的传感器作为测量元件。它用于无尘,无污染,
湿度:5 ... 95%r。H.
温度:+5 ... + 45°C
输出:2 x转换触点,1 x 0-10 V
Electronic room hygrostat and/or room thermostat HYGRASREG® RHT-30 with one continuous and two switching outputs, adjustable switching thresholds, with ⁄ without optional display for indicating ACTUAL humidity and/or ACTUAL temperature (accuracy class ± 2.0 % r.H.). The setpoints can be allocated to the relative humidity and/or to the temperature. It is suitable for regulating and monitoring relative humidity (humidifying and dehumidifying) and/or the temperature (heating and cooling), e.g. in ventilation and air conditioning ducts, laboratories, production facilities, climatic test cabinets, indoor swimming pools, greenhouses, etc., to control humidifying and dehumidifying equipment or heating system control. The measuring transducers are designed for exact humidity/temperature measurement. The RHT-30 uses a digital, long-term stable sensor as a measuring element. It is used in dust-free, unpolluted, non-aggressive air.
Humidity: 5...95% r. H.
Temperature: +5...+45 °C
Output: 2 x Changeover contact, 1 x 0-10 V
Steps: two-step
Type | Equipment | Display | Item No. |
RHT-30W | External setting |
1202-4077-1011-200 |
RHT-30W U | Internal setting |
1202-4077-1021-200 |
RHT-30W DISPLAY | External setting |
1202-4077-1211-200 |
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